Developing a
Community of
August 27 Meeting of the Olympia Woodworkers Guild
Presentation: The Art of Applying Finishes to Wood
Presenter: Cody Hanson
Cody Hanson (OWWG Member) will describe methods of applying finishes to wood. Cody encourages any questions/comments people may have and will lead discussion about them. He will bring some examples of common finishes on a variety of types of wood.
Cody comes from a long line of highly skilled woodworkers. As he says, "I started really paying attention to finishing after college when I didn't have space or money to build things, and I would salvage older pieces and restore them. I discovered I really enjoy the variance and final aspects of finishing. "
Olympia Woodworkers Guild is sponsored by Arbutus Folk School, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Location: 705 4th Ave E, Olympia WA, 98501
Mailing address: 705 4th Ave E, Suite 101, Olympia WA 98501